“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Conflict is inevitable. It’s also one of the primary ways we grow as individuals, organizations, and as movements. We often get stuck when we’re in the thick of it and end up not showing up as our best selves.
At Lagniappe, we support folks in having courageous conversations, moving through life on purpose instead of just moving, and stepping fully into their power. In leaning into what it means that “work work” and “life work” can intersect in ways we’re not always prepared for.
Sometimes that looks like facilitation, mediation, negotiation, or careful tending of other group processes. Always, it looks like helping you uncover the truth that’s already inside you and offering guidance when you signal that you need it.
Equity and
The whole world— well maybe half the world— is talking about equity and inclusion right now. Before it was trendy, Lagniappe centered thinking about how race, power, privilege, gender, and socioeconomic patterns show up in our practice. All the things. And we’d like to help you center all the things in your own practice.
It’s kind of important. It’s also kind of hard. Equity and inclusion is not a separate body of work— for us or for you. It’s integral to everything we’re working on. We’re committed to helping you move forward here in ways that make sense for you.
As a badass social change leader, sometimes it can help to have some support stepping into your badassery even more. Come on this way, darling. We’ve got your back. We’re in your corner. And we’d love to be partners in unearthing even more of that badassery.
We could quote Sam Jackson if you need more curse words in your life, but we think that might be enough for now. :-)
Team Cohesion, Strengthening, & Recalibration